Entries by Jula

Spiritual journey

December is usually a magical time for me – work seems more relaxed, Christmas are coming, it is a period of reflection. I remember that many years ago I belonged to people who could not put boundaries in relations with others. Unfortunately, it caused me a lot of pain, suffering, sense of hopelessness. I often […]


‘Gratitude’ derives from the Latin ‘gratia’, which, depending on the context, translates as ‘grace’, ‘graciousness’, or ‘gratefulness’. Gratitude never came easily to us human beings, and is a diminishing virtue in modern times. In our consumerist society, we focus on what we lack, or what other people have that we don’t, whereas gratitude is the […]

Pscyhological masks – which one are you wearing?

We all wear ‘masks’ in everyday life. Some of the reasons for wearing a mask can be: to cope, to fit in, to protect ourselves, to be acceptable in our family/social circle, to feel safe, to be loved, to avoid being hit or scolded or shamed. We have also different types of masks e.g. angry […]

Coming to terms with our shadow

“The shadow is that hidden, repressed, for the most part inferior and guilt-laden personality whose ultimate ramifications reach back into the realm of our animal ancestors and so comprise the whole historical aspect of the unconscious’’ (Jung, 1963). The shadow is a primordial part of our human inheritance, which, try as we might, can never […]

Bereavment – have you lost some significant in your life?

Bereavement is the state of loss when someone close to you has died. The death of someone you love is one of the greatest sorrows that can occur. Feelings of bereavement can also accompany other losses, such as the decline of your health or the health of someone you care about, or the end of […]

What is Self Care?

Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although it’s a simple concept in theory, it’s something we very often overlook. Good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety. It’s also key to a good relationship with oneself and others. Self-care […]

Trauma Therapy

Did you suffered from any trauma in you life? Do you feel stuck in your past because of it? One of the forms to deal with trauma can be Somatic Experiencing. Somatic Experiencing (SE) employs the awareness of body sensation to help people ”renegotiate” and heal their traumas rather than relive them. With appropriate guidance […]

Forgive & Let go

We hear a lot about the importanceof forgiving those who have harmed us, but what about forgiving ourselves? Is that important as well? I believe that it is. When we harm someone it is normal and healthy to feel bad about it, to experience regret and to wish we could take it back or do […]

Magical thinking

“Too many people confuse real magic with magical thinking. Real magic isn’t a trick and it transforms our lives. Magical thinking is denial. Real magic is what happens when we break old belief patterns and have the courage to employ the native laws of the Universe” (J. Nordby) Have a courage to change yourself and […]

Addiction is a family disease

When a family member struggles with active addiction, he or she usually under-functions and behaves irresponsibly. This, too, shapes the behavior of other family members. They typically respond by becoming more controlling and overly responsible. Whenever a family member struggles with any serious ongoing condition, everyone in the family is significantly affected. The equilibrium or […]